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the globe and anchor

Published from Overblog

Posted on June 26 2012, 16:07pm

Sgt Charles L. Perry, a member of Capt Ortiz' OSS team, died when his parachute failed while jumping over the Haute Savoie region of France. Here, Capt Ortiz and the team members render honors at Perry's grave. From left they are: Capt Ortiz; Capt Francis Coolidge, USA; Sgt Robert E. Lasalle; Sgt John P. Bodnar; Sgt Frederick J. Brunner; and Sgt Jack Risler

Sgt Charles L. Perry, a member of Capt Ortiz' OSS team, died when his parachute failed while jumping over the Haute Savoie region of France. Here, Capt Ortiz and the team members render honors at Perry's grave. From left they are: Capt Ortiz; Capt Francis Coolidge, USA; Sgt Robert E. Lasalle; Sgt John P. Bodnar; Sgt Frederick J. Brunner; and Sgt Jack Risler

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Very informative post! There is a lot of information here that can help any business get started with a successful social networking campaign!